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Explore New Technologies and Save on Postage


The United States’ 2022 Emerging and Advanced Technology Program is here. The USPS always offers postal discounts to encourage mailers to add interactive technologies that give print even more life and excitement. By incorporating these technologies, not only do businesses get better results, but they save 2% - 3% on postage.

If you are already using one or more of these emerging technologies, the USPS discount program can save you money. If you aren’t, it can help you get started using these technologies in the first place. New this year, the USPS Emerging and Advanced Technology Program offers two promotion levels: 2% discounts and 3% discounts.

Let’s look at this year’s money savers.

2% Discount

  • “Enhanced” Augmented Reality: Promotions let users view, manipulate, and interact with 3D virtual objects in their real-world environments.

  • Basic Integration with Voice Assistant: Add voice assistant prompts that allow recipients to use their voices to guide exploration through smart speakers such as Alexa and Google Assistant.

3% Discount

  • Advanced Integration with Voice Assistant: This is similar to Basic Integration with Voice Assistant, but instead of basic prompts, you create custom prompts that deliver unique customer experiences.

  • Video in Print Technology: Add printed screens that create mailable interactive video experiences.

  • Near-Field Communication: Us short-range wireless technology to connect mail to electronic devices (phones, laptops, watches). Send music, images, or video with no Internet connection required. NFC tags cost as little as $0.25 and can be created and customized as quickly as an address label.

  • Mixed Reality: Blend physical and virtual spaces.

  • Virtual Reality: Craft experiences that take place in artificial worlds.

Both the registration and promotion periods for these campaigns run through August 31. To be eligible, mail can be letters or flats sent First-Class, USPS Marketing Mail, or Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail.

While many of these technologies may seem beyond the reach of the average business, many aren’t as complicated as you might think. Talk to us about saving money on postage and incorporating some of these powerful interactive technologies into your marketing mix.




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